FBC's latest news and event information

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Finnish Business Council News Flash
Dear Subscriber,

Here comes this week's FBC news flash!

Past events
Thank you for joining the webinar "Why Cold Therapy is Good for Your Body & Mind" on November 5. Our warm thanks to the speakers Miina Öhman, Mare Oravainen, Riku Torkkeli and Aleksi "Giant" Toivonen!

Upcoming events
November 19: How to Invest Wisely? The keynote by FBC Gold Partner 2020 Summit Planners, Executive Vice President Nethan Chew. How to invest wisely. What are the different strategies that you can adopt, especially with the current US Presidential Election? Getting a 7.2% dividend yearly - is that possible? Registration is open here.

November 25: Sustainable partnerships leading the way to greener and smarter cities by KONE. FBC corporate member KONE hosts their ‘yearly peek behind the curtains’ session. As the environment is changing, what’s our commitment for making cities better places to live? Join in to discuss these topics together with Jukka Salmikuukka, Director of Strategic Partnership Development and Satu Virkkunen, Environment Director, KONE Technology & Innovation. Panel discussion is moderated by Nina Jalo, Service Offering Manager, Asia Pacific and FBC Member of Board. More information and registration.

November 30: Neste Singapore Expansion Project Update. Mr Petri Jokinen, Director, Singapore Expansion will give an update about Neste’s 1.4 BEUR Expansion Project in Singapore and how Neste has worked in the project during COVID-19 pandemic. More information and registration.

FBC partnership 2021
Would you like to be an FBC partner in 2021? Our partners 2020 (Finnair, Nordea, Summit Planners) have enabled us to organize various events for FBC members and friends and continue our operations in the challenging times. In 2021 FBC will continue connecting its members not only with other Nordic chambers and EuroCham but also with the local business communities in Singapore and in the SEA region. Please, contact Minna Hyväri for further information.

Do you have success stories or company news to share? We can post all FBC corporate members' news on our blog. You can also share your job descriptions on FBC communications when you are hiring. Please, contact Minna Hyväri.

FBC Membership - autumn discount
Not a member yet? FBC offers you a discount -50% of the membership for the rest of the year. The events and webinars organized by FBC are free for FBC members.
The new membership fees until December 31, 2020:
Corporate A (5 or more employees in Singapore): $350
Corporate B (1-4 employees in Singapore): $175
Individual membership: $87,50

Eurocham events
November 30: How to Address Human Rights Risk in Supply Chains and Trade. EuroCham welcomes you to this webinar which will address the human rights risk present in supply chains and trading and how companies can be a force for good in ASEAN. Modern slavery and human rights violations are still a global plague and at risk of becoming endemic in some countries. Eurocham is organising for the first time a cross-committee exchange on responsibilities and opportunities for European companies to make a positive contribution in the region. More information and registration.

Kindly note that FBC members can join EuroCham events by Supporting organizations' fee.

Furthermore, don’t forget to check out the FBC website. For more information about what is going on with our Nordic sister associations, please check out the Event pages for Norwegian Business AssociationSwedish Chamber of Commerce and Danish Business Association in Singapore. If you would like to know more about EuroCham events, check the EuroCham Events page
Have a safe and great weekend ahead!
Best regards,
Minna Hyväri
General Manager
+65 9006 5276
FBC Gold Partner 2020
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