FBC's latest news and event information

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Finnish Business Council News Flash
Dear Subscriber,

Here comes this week's FBC news.

FBC membership renewals
FBC has sent notification of membership renewals for membership year 2021 (via GlueUp platform). The invoice link will be sent to the primary contact on the corporate. After confirmation, the invoice is ready for payment and it can be shared and forward to the finance department.

Kindly, if there have been any changes on your membership information (e.g. company name, primary contact, address, company size etc.), inform the updates to FBC.

Thank you for supporting FBC! FBC operations fully rely on annual membership fees and sponsorships. Should you have any questions, please contact Minna Hyväri.

Looking for FBC board candidates
FBC Annual General Meeting will be held on March 17, 2021. Currently, we are looking for candidates for the FBC board 2021-2022. What is the future FBC and are you the person to lead the way?
All FBC members who have paid for their membership 2021 are eligible to become candidates. One candidate per corporate membership. Please, let FBC know of your interest.

FBC Annual General Meeting 2021
FBC Annual General Meeting is held on March 17, 2021 (at 6.30 - 8.30 pm). The invitation and AGM material will be sent to the members 14 days before the AGM date. Corporate members who have renewed the membership for 2021 are eligible to participate and vote. Please, ensure FBC has the correct contact information. Save the Date!

FBC New Members January 2021 and the lucky winner
FBC warmly welcomes new Individual FBC members Mr Saku Aspelin, Mr Kevin Connors, Ms Suvi Pitkola and Mr Erkka Stenholm and Corporate B member Helsinki Business Hub.
We congratulate the lucky winner Ms Suvi Pitkola who won a Finnair return ticket (SG-EUR) on FBC's lucky draw for new member applicants. The new members' campaign ended on January 31, 2021.

Upcoming events
February 24: Executive loneliness workshop by Nick Jonsson. Executive Loneliness - Successful but lonely at the top. The workplace isolation people don’t talk about. Join the event onsite at HUONE or online via Zoom. Book your seat - there are limited seats onsite (max. 20 pax.), first served. Check the registration options!

February 25: Casual Afterwork. After challenging 2020 it is time to get-together. FBC Casual Afterworks will start on February 25, 2021 and will continue once a month. The first evening is hosted by FBC board member Sebastian Nummelin. Exclusively FBC members only. Max. 8 pax., first served. Fully booked.
Next Casual Afterwork on March 31, 2021.

March 2: FBC board candidates' evening. FBC's traditional candidate discussion evening where the current board members will tell about board operations and new candidates can ask the tricky questions. Due to group size limitations FBC will organize either two separate sessions (max. 8 pax) or one onsite session (max. 8 pax.) and one online session. The candidates will receive more detailed information.

March 17: Annual General Meeting. The invitation and AGM material will be sent to the members14 days before the AGM date. Corporate members who have renewed the membership are eligible to participate and vote. Save the Date!

March 25: Sustainability panel, webinar. Panelists from Neste, KONE and Clewat will share their insights. Panel will be moderated by Riku Mäkelä (Team Finland). More information soon. Save the Date!

March 31: Casual Afterwork. After challenging 2020 it is time to get-together. FBC Casual Afterworks will be organized once a month before summer break. March Casual Afterwork will be hosted by FBC Board member Sebastian Nummelin. For FBC members only. Registration open here.

April 6: Employment regulations revised. How has COVID-19 changed the Singapore job market? Samuel Yuen from Yuen Law will update what's new on employment regulations and Eddie Lee from ASEAN Human Development Organisation will give an outlook of Singapore governmental trends and plans in general. More information soon.

FBC partnership 2021
Would you like to be an FBC partner in 2021? Our partners 2020 (Finnair, Nordea, Summit Planners) have enabled us to organize various events for FBC members and friends and continue our operations in the challenging times. In 2021 FBC will continue connecting its members not only with other Nordic chambers and EuroCham but also with the local business communities in Singapore and in the SEA region. Please, contact Minna Hyväri for further information.

FBC membership 2021
Not a member yet? Join Finnish business community and enjoy member benefits.

The membership fees:
Corporate A (5 or more employees in Singapore): $700
Corporate B (1-4 employees in Singapore): $350
Individual membership: $175

Do you have success stories or company news to share? We can post all FBC corporate members' news on our blog. You can also share your job descriptions on FBC communications when you are hiring. Please, contact Minna Hyväri.

Furthermore, don’t forget to check out the FBC website. For more information about what is going on with our Nordic sister associations, please check out the Event pages for Norwegian Business AssociationSwedish Chamber of Commerce and Danish Business Association in Singapore. If you would like to know more about EuroCham events, check the EuroCham Events page
We wish you Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Best regards,
Minna Hyväri
General Manager
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